Address of company:
HAG Gesellschaft für Ökonomie und Technik mbH
Feringastraße 6
85774 Unterföhring (München)/GERMANY
Geschäftsführend vertreten durch: J. Horvath
Handelsregister München: HRB 118774
Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde zu Themen gem. 34c Gew.-O:
IHK für München und Oberbayern
Max-Joseph-Straße 2
80333 München
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The telephone charges for numbers starting with 0700 depend on the company with whom the caller has concluded his telephone contract and may differ in this respect. If you wish to have details in this matter, you can only ask your personal telephone company or consult their website.
This disclaimer in English language is published on this side, only to give a general overview and a non-binding impression to the content. Legally binding is only the content in the „imprint“ of the German side of HAG.
A. Content of the Internetsite
The HAG extends no guarantee that the information provided is up to date, accurate, complete or of good quality. Liability claims against the HAG, which relate to damages of a material or non-material nature, caused by use or non-use of the information on offer or by the use of defective and incomplete information are excluded in principle, inasmuch as on HAG´s part no demonstrably willful misconduct or grossly negligent fault is present. All offers subject to confirmation and non-binding. HAG expressly reserves the right without specific forewarning, to change, update or delete parts of the pages or the whole site, or to suspend publication either temporarily or for good.
B. Links
As regards direct or indirect links / hyperlinks to other websites, which lie outside the ambit of the HAG responsibilities, an engagement of liability would only then come into force, were HAG to know of the content and were it to be technically possible and reasonable for the HAG to prevent use thereof in the event of illegal content. HAG therefore expressly declares that the corresponding linked pages were free of illegal content at the time the links were inserted. HAG has no influence on the current and future form nor content of the linked pages. It therefore hereby distances itself expressly from all content of the linked pages which has been changed since the links were inserted. This statement applies to all links inserted within its own website as well as to entries from others in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists devised by the HAG. For illegal, erroneous or incomplete content and in particular for damages arising from use or non-use of information of that nature on offer, sole liability lies with the owner of the site, whereto the link led, and not with he who by means of links happened merely to point to the relevant publication.
C. Copyright and right of trade mark
The HAG endeavors to comply with the copyrights of pictures, graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts used in all its publications, to use pictures, graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts produced in house, or to have recourse to graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts which are unlicensed. All brands and trade marks named on the website and protected through third parties, as the case might be, are subject without limitation to the provisions of the law governing trade marks, as valid in each case, as well as to the property rights of the relevant registered owners. It may not be inferred from the use of the name alone that brand marks are not protected by third party rights. The copyright for published items produced by the HAG alone remains with that of the HAG for the pages. The copying or use of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other printed publications is not allowed without the express agreement of the HAG.
D. Legal effect of this liability disclaimer
This liability disclaimer should be seen as a part of the website, from which there is a link to this page. Inasmuch as parts or individual formulations of this text do not correspond to the legal situation in force, or no longer or only incompletely do so, the remaining parts of the document are not affected either in content or validity.
E. Picture credits
The following copyrights of the used pictures on alls german an english sites are owned by:
1. „Home“: background picture: Mikael Damkier|Fotolia
2. „Busienss areas“: background foto: Helen Sergeyewa, every other foto: LaCozza, nostalghia, arsdigital, gemenacom, eyetronic, darknightsky & Lev | respectively by Fotolia
3. „Project development“: background foto: LaCozza|Fotolia
4. „Revitalisation“: background foto: nostalghia|Fotolia
5. „Consulting“: background foto: arsdigital|Fotolia;sonstige Fotos: Fiedels, adam121 und darknightsky
6. „Letting“:background foto: gemenacom|Fotolia
7. „Transaction“:background foto: eyetronic|Fotolia
8. „Strategic-Consulting“:background foto: Lev|Fotolia
9. „Corporate principles“: background foto: Tiberius Gracchus|Fotolia
10. „Clients&customers“: background foto: miket|Fotolia
11. „Contact“: background foto: Kara|Fotolia
12. „Imprint“: background foto: ekostsov|Fotolia
The copyrights of all other pictures on this sites are owned by HAG Gesellschaft für Ökonomie und Technik mbH.